Sunday, January 24, 2010

Exquisite Object 6-8 Saturday (delayed)

Starting with the words Macabre, Suspended and Trapped; I ended with the words Climax, Suspended and Trapped.

How the words relate:
Suspended: to hold or keep undetermined; refrain from forming or concluding definitely.
to come to a stop, usually temporarily; cease from operation for a time.
The orange fan cover is like a dog on a leash trying to get away. The fan is suspended in time, it is undermined if the fan is going to get off the leash or get pulled back.

Climax: a decisive moment that is of maximum intensity or is a major turning point in a plot.
Motion is in the sculpture with the fan cover leaning forward towards the semi-translucent sheet. This motion is at its climax; the fan is about to reach the end of its chain, will it be able to get out?

Trapped: to catch in a trap; ensnare
Is the fan trapped and trying to break though the sheet? or, Is the sheet a clever trap?
With twine attached to poles and other objects its difficult to see if they are holding something in or leading something into a trap.

Finished Product:

I developed my sculpture around the words trapped and suspended.
At first my idea was to create a structure that hides an object in motion, therefore only certain points reveled what was inside. Completely surrounding an object was not necessary, one wall would work.

towards the end of the two hour time slot the sculpture became something I wouldn't of thought of at the beginning. If I were to change anything, I would change the hight of the wall and add something to the white part of the ground.

Click here to see a short video I made of my sculpture.

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