In an effort to be more explicit in our instruction, here are some things that we've discussed lately:
- Pour for Haiti - Alfred Foundry - Sat. 2.6.10, 14:00-20:00
- Media Performance in Holmes Auditorium - 1.26.10 @ 19:30
- written response due to me via email Sun. 1.31 by 23:59.
(anything after this time will not be considered)
- 1/2 page, double-spaced Word.doc attachment,
art history caliber document
- Blog edits - final edits, image and video postings due by Sun. 1.31 by 23:59.
(anything after this time will not be considered)
- text should be to same level as response documents
- make sure that all of your name stamps on your posts have your proper name on them
(not a nickname or some exaggerated form of your name)
* all of the above are considered in evaluation of your project
- Images - full-resolution images from Exquisite Object should be emailed to me by Sun. 1.31 by 23:59
-CMAP - bring your CMAP to class on Monday (either on your laptop, clip drive, cd). Ensure that the file contains the resource folder. If the folder is not there, the file will not work! It is your responsibility to have an operable file. No excuses.
- Blair will be meeting with you individually to check your progress (He will send guidelines.)
-Perfect Object - due in the beginning of class Mon. Feb. 1
- bring object that you replicated
- provide key (ratio)
* remember that accuracy of measurement is critical in evaluation of your object
- Building Materials - Mon. Feb. 1 - Bring collected building materials to class: light materials to build big!
ex. - cardboard, chicken wire, paper, glue, masonite
- Paper - remember to continue to collect used office paper. Newspaper and advertisements are also ok.